Trees365 - review of 2010

So, 2010 is over, and that means my Trees365 challenge is at an end :o(

I won't stop taking tree pictures as I still love the variety, beauty and wonder of trees - in fact, I'm pretty certain that there will be many trees featuring on Window365.

Here is a slideshow of trees featured this year (bar a few that were guests and a few that 'got away') Enjoy!


Keilor East Rotary said...

Hello Lisa,
I just want to Congratulate you on your 365 Days of Trees. I thoroughly enjoyed the lot I have looked through so far and feel inspired to do a similar thing with my students this year.I will show them your Flickr slideshow as stimulus and get them really looking at the trees in our school grounds here in Melbourne, Australia.I think you may have just given me inspration for a unit of work with my Grade 5 and 6 students when school begins for us in February.
Our blog is
Well Done and I look forward to following you again, Best Wishes for 2011, Yvonne Osborn