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Trees365 334:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

It has finally snowed more than an icing sugar dusting.

Still not much more than 1cm but it's snow and made the tree at the top of the road rather pretty!

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Trees365 323:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

A frosty, but still not very snowy garden this morning.

It was beautiful in the park but sadly it was captured in my eyes not my camera as i was running!

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Trees365 332:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Today's tree was drawn on DoodleBuddy.

Pretty don't you think?

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Trees365 331:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

The view out of my bedroom as i got up this morning.

And the day stayed cold and sunny.

Excellent! And long may it continue.

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Trees365 330:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Another beautiful day - very cold but sunny and bright.

A tree on the (goods) railway siding.

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Trees365 329:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Yellow autumn trees - and a bus stop!

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Another glorious autumn photograph from Caldon Canal. Look at those colours!

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Today's trees come courtesy of Andy and Helen Tidy who took this picture on Calden Canal.

So beautiful! There'll be another one tomorrow I suspect as they're so good!

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These Douglas firs in The Hermitage near Dunkeld are over 60metres tall!

Perhaps just as well we decided to cut down the one in our back garden.....

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Trees365 325:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Lots of trees on this roundabout - rather attractive!

And I have to say, often ignored!

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Trees365 324:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Taken in London on Friday.

Beautiful day down there - foggy when I got back to Sutton though!

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Trees365 323:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Seen on Euston Road this morning outside the Santander offices.

Very interesting and unusual!

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Trees365 322:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

A tree in many colours of green.

And an interesting shape too!

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In our garden, about 7 years ago at Easter.

Isaac and his Grandad on the annual Easter egg hunt having just rescued a chick from the apple tree.

The boys miss their Grandad but not as much as I miss my Dad.

He'd have been 69 today.

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Trees365 320:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Gullane Bents.

Gorgeous orange berries and sea and sand :o)

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Trees365 319:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

I was in Edinburgh on Monday and took this picture in Holyrood Park.

Beautiful city - and lovely tree!

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Trees365 318:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Last leaves hanging on!

And sunny again!


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Trees365 317:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Blue sky.

Flimsy branches.

Delicate leaves.

Big smiles!

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Trees365 316:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

In the back garden again, and one of my favourite trees.

i like this photo as it shows the two trunks bending away and then back towards each other, and also the peeling bark that is so characteristic of this tree.

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Not exactly a tree today - but topical as today is 11th November. From Atonement. Couldn't find the picture I wanted of the tree just before he gets to the beach so this is a compromise!

We will remember them.

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First snow., originally uploaded by lynnemarie2010.

A beautiful picture entitled 'First Snow' by lynnemarie2010 on Flickr.

I'm in no hurry to see snow in England but it's still lovely to see these trees powdered with snow in the sunshine.

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Trees365 313:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

A tree on a postcard from a school in Greece who are taking part in my eTwinning project Greetings across the miles.

Good to see some sun!

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IMG_6922, originally uploaded by niiloa.

Today's picture is from my eTwinning friend Niilo, and was taken at the recent eTwinning Ambassador PDW in Nottingham.

He's a much better photographer than me!

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Trees365 311:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

A boulevard of trees. Not of broken dreams.

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Trees365 310:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

The colours of the valley.

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Trees365 309:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

By the brook in New Hall Country Valley Park.

Usually running past it!

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Trees365 308:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Wylde Green Road in the sunshine.


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Trees365 307:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

This wasn't taken today but a wekk or so ago.

However, it cheered me to see such a lovely blue sky when it's that time of year again when its already getting dark when I leave school. At soon it will be dark when i leave the house in the morning.

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Trees365 306:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Blazing red rowan tree today.

Rowan are best!
(well, 1/4 of the pupils at WCPS would agree!)

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Trees365 305:365, originally uploaded by lisibo.

Beautiful tree on the way home from an INSET day.

Love the shape of this tree - reminds me of the HairBear bunch!